Hi Language Buddy!
In this post, I want to talk about the importance of reviewing the material you've learned in your language learning journey. Review is a crucial aspect of learning that can sometimes be overlooked, especially if you're not used to learning new things or if you haven't studied a language in a while.
I once saw a diagram that depicted learning as a downward spiral. When you first learn something, it's at the top of the spiral. As time goes on, your memory of that information slowly fades. However, when you review the material, it's pushed back up the spiral, closer to the top. With enough review and practice, the information becomes solidified and doesn't need as frequent review.
For example, when I was learning French grammar, it took lots of practice and review to internalize the concepts. Eventually, they became second nature and didn't require as much review. But until that point, consistent review was essential.
As an older language learner, I've noticed that I tend to forget things more quickly than when I was in my twenties. This means I need to review more often, but that's okay. On the flip side, I'm more disciplined, motivated, and serious about my language learning than I was in my younger years, which gives me an advantage.
In conclusion, incorporating review into your language learning routine is vital. Be sure to give yourself time to revisit previously learned material, and don't be discouraged if you need to review more frequently as you get older. Stay focused, disciplined, and motivated, and you'll see progress in your language learning journey.
Happy learning!