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A Ridiculously Simple Trick to Improve Assimilation

Hi Language Buddy!

I want to share an idea I came across on another language learning website, Innovative Languages. It's a simple but effective technique that I'm excited to integrate into my own language learning journey: copying.

When it comes to language learning, there are two components - input and output. Input includes learning vocabulary, listening to people speak, and absorbing information. Output, on the other hand, consists of speaking and writing. While I typically focus on conversation in my language learning, I've realized that my lack of attention to writing has been holding me back.

There are two types of writing you can practice. The first is writing original texts, which can then be corrected by native speakers or language teachers. While this is undoubtedly helpful, I haven't been able to commit to this type of practice yet. However, I recently learned about another writing technique: copying.

Simply copying texts that you understand verbatim can actually help you assimilate the language in a different way. It provides a unique perspective compared to just hearing the language conversationally or reading without actively writing. This act of copying counts as an output component in your language learning and can be a valuable addition to your language practice.

I'm excited to incorporate this copying technique into my language learning routine, especially when it comes to memorizing long lists of vocabulary words. I learned this concept from Innovative Languages, and I look forward to applying it and seeing the results.

I wanted to share this technique with you, too, so you can try it out and see if it helps improve your language learning experience. Happy language learning!